So it’s been a long last couple of weeks. Due to health treatments, my brain has felt (and feels) like a pile of mush. I have trouble putting short sentences together, so this should be an interesteding post 😉

When I feel this bad this consistently it is hard to aim for anything more than survival. It feels like we’re just in a holding pattern–e.g., I’m not trying to get all the dishes done, I’m just trying to make sure we’ve got enough to cook with/eat with for any given meal.

My husband and I have been talking about how much we hate the idea that “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” It’s such a lie! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure the Bible says that God won’t give us more temptation than we can handle, not more anything else than we can handle. Personally, I firmly believe that God almost always gives us more than we can handle–it forces us to run back to Him and it showcases His strength in our weakness.

So how does this translate into thriving in the midst of the overwhelm? To me, thriving comes down to one thing: am I abiding in Christ? If I am, I have His power to deal with any situation (and am already relying on Him). Maybe that doesn’t make my brain less mushy. Maybe I still feel like I’d rather not have my stomach in my body for hours at a time. I’m not saying that circumstances get better. I’m saying that God is with us in the midst of those circumstances and that if we abide in Him, life can be an epic adventure, full of abundance.

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