Hey peeps! after all the computer hullabaloo over the past couple months, I’ve decided to take a break from blogging. As I’ve talked about numerous times on here, prioritization is key. Part of fulfilling our callings (the good works God’s prepared in advance for us) is to say “no” to some things so we can say “yes” to others. I’m finding that blogging is taking time away from some of my “yes” things. I don’t know when that will change–I imagine it will at some point since I’ve really enjoyed blogging 🙂

Thank you so much you few faithful people that actually read my blog!! It’s been very nice knowing I’m not just sending my thoughts out to the void. I love you and pray for you guys!

If you’re interested in keeping up with what’s going on with us, check out our podcast Epic Every Day (epiceverydaynow.com or facebook.com/EEDCast).

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