Seeing and Being Seen

So far this year, I’ve read my way through a large portion of fan’s Pride & Prejudice fan fiction (as well as some other sites like I love that story. Lately, I feel like I need the daily reminder that people can change. This...

More Adjustments

Well, so the benefit of doing blogging this way is that I have no idea what I’m going to talk about before I actually start talking about it. Hope you enjoy a more conversational style 😉 In case you haven’t noticed, there are a few things I’m kinda...

Pride and Prejudice in the New Year

Somehow for the past couple of years, my yearly book rotation begins with Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have heard from some folks that they wade through the book, feeling somewhat cheated when they get to the end by the lack of epic themes. However, every...
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