I’ve been thinking that I ought to write some sort of Christmas post–if for no other reason than to get my heart refocused. Unfortunately, I feel more Scrooge-like than normal this year . . . health challenges, family issues, and loss have left me feeling more like crawling into a small cave to hibernate for a few months rather than celebrate. Plus, realistically can anyone really focus on “the true meaning of Christmas” amidst the commerciality of the season? How can you “be still” when there’s a to-do list about a mile long and more time commitments than normal?

Fortunately (for me) my husband got a traffic ticket on his way home from work two days ago (yes, he gave me permission to share). He got home and I tried to console him. Two hours later the cop called and told him to rip up the ticket and “Merry Christmas.” I’ve never heard of that happening. I’ve gotten off with my share of warnings (got pulled over the day before AND the day after my wedding). But never legitimately received a ticket and then had the officer cancel it later on.

It got me meditating on God’s grace. I admit my knee-jerk reaction is to focus on the grace of God displayed in Jesus’ death around Easter and to focus on surviving the holidays around Christmas. However, yesterday I found myself lost in wonder at God’s grace displayed in Jesus’ life. The grace of God embodied in human form . . . getting cold and dirty and tired and helpless as a babe for the first time. God’s grace displayed in Jesus’ perfectly fulfilling the Law.

I’ve been re-editing a section [of my book] on guilt and shame the past couple days. I’m awed that Jesus proved Himself a perfect sacrifice, but also that He performed righteous deeds so that I might have His righteous record. It’s so amazing seeing His lavish grace displayed in Jesus’ 33 years of righteous deeds in the face of Adam’s one act of rebellion that began the Fall.

I really like the idea of my year revolving around God’s grace embodied in Jesus’ birth (probably in September) and His death (Passover). Hopefully, this year I can hang onto this small glimpse of grace even in the midst of all the hubbub.

How do you stay focused on Christ in the midst of commercial Christmas?

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