Moonstruck Lunatics We Are Not!

Psalm 121 A song of ascents. 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip– he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches...

An Eternal Trellis

This morning I’ve been meditating on broken hopes … false idols, such as in Isaiah 30:12-15. These are the things I run to for help or fulfillment–the things I rely on. In the end, by God’s grace, they are shown to be false. They crack and...

Bad Fruit & X-ray Vision

Yesterday I discovered a peach that was moldy, a mere 36 hours after buying it. After cutting it open to see if any was salvageable, I realized it had been rotting from the inside out. The mold on the skin was only the most recent symptom of a rotten pit. How in the...

“Start naming Jersey towns!”

Today I’m in the middle of editing–not one of my favorite tasks. It’s much easier/more fun to edit when it isn’t your own work that you’re ripping to shreds. I’ve been looking at synonyms for “turn” for so long that...
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