Loving the Truth

This morning when I was doing my Bible study, this verse jumped out at me: 2 Thess 2: 10b They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (NIV) Now, obviously, if you read 2 Thessalonians this passage is talking about people who reject God,...

Bookshelf Tour: An Ever-Fixed Mark by Sabrina

Growing up, we moved regularly, so, when I was a child, books were my dear friends. Every year (usually around New Year’s), I would re-organize my bookshelf–make sure that all the books were alphabetical by author’s last name and grouped into series....

Multiplying Time

So…. *twiddles thumbs* How was your week? Mine’s been good–very, very busy, but good. A while ago I read this blog post (and I just finally got around to watching the TED talk she references this week–it was really good!) about multiplying...

Practicing Beloveness

So I forgot that today is Thursday. I mean, I knew it was Thursday, but my car died this week so our schedule has been all wonky and I just forgot that it was blogging day. Anyway! I recently had a conversation with my children that really underscored the gulf between...
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