Why You’re Your Own Worst Enemy

Psychological warfare. Merriam Webster defines it as “things that are done to make someone (such as an enemy or opponent) become less confident or feel hopeless, afraid, etc.” I recently reread the section of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince where...

More Adjustments

Well, so the benefit of doing blogging this way is that I have no idea what I’m going to talk about before I actually start talking about it. Hope you enjoy a more conversational style 😉 In case you haven’t noticed, there are a few things I’m kinda...

An Easter Reminder

Who would have known that I’d be entering such a busy time of life! I suppose that’s just God’s grace–writing about rest beforehand has at least kept it in my consciousness, if not at the forefront. So! I fully intend to get back to my series...

Do You Like Harry Potter?

This past week we read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to our kids. It was fun to re-visit the book. It’s been all of 3 months or so since I’ve read it. 🙂 But it’s been especially interesting fielding their questions about the story and...
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